Saturday, November 29, 2008

I know how these terrorists are inspired

Ed Husain:
"Terrorism begins with a less extreme shade of Islamism, and in many cases Saudi-inspired Wahhabism - unless we understand the root causes of the theology of terror, we will not be able to defeat it...Wahhabism and segments of Islamism are defined by their rejection of mainstream Muslim teachings and age-old spiritual practices, literalist readings of scripture devoid of scholarly guidance, and a hell-bent commitment to confronting the West. Moderate Muslims have common cause with the West to extinguish extremism in our midst."
Literalistic readings of religious scripture is quite perilous. consider the following verse from the holly Koran:
[5.51] O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.
In other words, literally, if one has a Catholic friend, one by default exits Islam and enters Catholicism. The literal version of the verse might have been relevant during Muhammad's time, a period of constant religious struggle and antagonism between the Muslims, the Jews, and the Christians but is, without a doubt, irrelevant and illogical in today's world. The Koran must be not a static but rather a living scripture that accomodates contemporary issues. We live in an ever-evolving world. The human species are very diverse and interdependent. The idea that no Muslim should take a non-Muslim for a friend but an enemy justifies and/or sows the seeds for animosity towards Americans and Europeans and leads to extremism and Jihadism. It must be noted that Muslim literalists are minority in number among Muslims but reign.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Reza Aslan on How To Read the Quran

"Arabic is a language whose words can have multiple, sometimes contradictory, meanings, so how one chooses to render a particular word from Arabic to English has a lot to do with one's biases or prejudice. Take the following example from Sura 4:34, which has long been interpreted as allowing husbands to beat their wives: "As for those women who might rebel against you, admonish them, abandon them in their beds, and strike them (adribuhunna)." The problem, as a number of female Quranic scholars have noted, is that adribuhunna can also mean "turn away from them." It can even mean "have sexual intercourse with them." Obviously, which definition the translator chooses will be colored by whatever his or her preconceived notions are about a husband's authority. The new crop of Quran translators are brushing aside centuries of traditionalist, male-dominated, and often misogynistic clerical interpretations in favor of a more contemporary, more individualized, and often more gender-friendly approach to the Quran. In the process, they are not only reshaping the way Islam's holy book is read; they are reinterpreting the way Islam itself is being understood in the modern world."

Its about time Muslims to avoid literalism (i'm speaking of the radical yet powerful minority elements of Islam) and start interpreting Islam in the light of contemporary issues. The issues of the 21st century are vastly different than those of the 13Th century.

Al-Zawahiri on Islamonomics

Al-Zawahiri calls "on Americans to embrace Islam to overcome the financial meltdown...a repercussion of the Sept. 11 attacks in the United States, and that the crisis would continue as long as the foolish American policy of wading in Muslim blood continues." Perhaps its time to remind the Al-Qaida number-two-in-command the principle that correlation equals not a causation.

British Born Pakistanis Linked to Mumbai Terror Attacks

Two British citizens of Pakistani origin are reportedly involved in Mumbai terror attacks. No doubt that UK is home to Muslim radicals in Europe.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Extreme Anti-Muslim View from the Right Wing

Here is a bit of extreme view from the right.

Ann Coulter:

"Far from being sodomized and tortured by U.S. forces -- as Obama's base has wailed for the past seven years -- the innocent scholars and philanthropists being held at Guantanamo have been given expensive, high-tech medical procedures at taxpayer expense. If we're not careful, multitudes of Muslims will be going to fight Americans in Afghanistan just so they can go to Guantanamo and get proper treatment for attention deficit disorder and erectile dysfunction"

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

AP: Young Somali men missing from Minneapolis

Just Jihads are Possible

If "Jihad" is perceived to be, as some claim, "the struggle against those who seek to oppress the freedoms of Muslims", then, one wonders if that struggle be waged violently or peacefully.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A Somali Suicide Bomber is one of the Missing 20

The news about the missing Twin Cities Somalis has taken a grim turn--one of them is confirmed to have taken part of a suicide mission in Puntland, Somalia.

Side note: the link to Twin Cities Fox9 news is here:;jsessionid=FD94CE301F29D48DCACB9E3256FF2B82?contentId=7946522&version=2&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=TSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1

Monday, November 24, 2008

Alqaida Recruits Somali Youngsters from Minnesota

The Al-qaida wing that operates from Somalia, Al-shabaab, has been clandestinely recruiting Somali teenagers from the streets of Minneapolis, and ferrying them off to Somalia to fight a pseudo-holly war in their effort to regain control and to institute a Taliban style regime. This is a question of national security. Its a threat of a rise of homegrown young Jihadists indoctrinated in the back alleys of unmonitored Madrasas to believe that they are fighting Allah's war. No doubt that we have sleeper cells in Minneapolis area. Who is financing the activities is another question investigators are looking for. The biggest setback authorities are facing is, presumably, in my opinion, lack of cooperation from the community. Follow the link to read the full story.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Somali Pirates to Stimulate Wallstreet

Somali pirates are in negotiation to buy Citigroup.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Marrying a one-year old infant

How about having a marriage contract with a one-year old girl, kissing her at toddler stage, subjecting her to suck your cock at at age 5, and finally, having sex with her at 7. The worst child abuse model is found in the Middle East.

Somalis For Jesus!: The Martyrs’ Corner

Somalis For Jesus!: The Martyrs’ Corner

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


In you tube, you find a lot of Muslim clerics using gibberish to justify polygyny—polyandry is prohibited in Islam. See this

and this on:

The most common excuse revolves around the surplus female population. This is the most ridiculous, emotionally retarded argument ever put forth. Forget statistics for a second—though phony its—none of these guys ever ponder the emotional side of the argument. Don’t they know women have feelings as much as they do. What if we substitute polyandry for polygyny. How would men feel about that? Imagine that. Some Sheikhs present perspectives such as the man must treat his wives fairly and equally, that he must afford to put food over the table for all his families. But what happened to emotional intelligence?

Bad temper and Islam

"If you have a bad temper, then you are not one of us"--Islam. Can John McCain ever be a Muslim?

Monday, November 17, 2008

Wife Beating, No More than 10 Blows

"How much pain be caused by 10 blows with a toothpick?" Excuse me Sheikh, but a beating is a beating. It doesn't matter whether you use a toothpick or a bamboo stick.

Honor Killing

Women and gays and honor killing

I Divorce You, I Divorce You, I Divorce You

"Social progress can be measured by the social position of the female sex". So so true. Islamic societies have a long way to go. Disclaimer, the following video is full of horrific graphics. I warn you.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Man-made Laws Vs. Sharia

Should Muslims in the Western world submit to the governing laws set forth by respective governments or choose Sharia and turn their backs against the "man-made laws"? And if the latter is not an option, should they "rise up...and not rest until the flag of Allah and the flag of Islam is raised above [1600 Pennsylvania avenue]"?

These people are welcomed with open arms, allowed to practice their religion with complete freedom, and the next thing you hear is that they want to impose their will upon others. This is absurd. How much more can Londoners take.

Middle Easterners on Barack Obama, "Abu Hussein"

Is electing Barack Obama the end of Islamic bigotry in U.S. as this citizen of Bahrain suggests:

I can honestly say that we can finally wave goodbye to the overwhelming
anti-Muslim and anti-Arab bigotry that we have suffered with for the past eight
years under the Bush administration

Sheikh Kalisch comes out of the closet, the fall out

A Muslim cleric is hired to train teachers to teach Islam, little did we know that he harbours doubts about the existence of prophet Muhammad. Now Muslims are boycotting, and Germany's plan to integrate the country's 3 million Muslims is in limbo.

The best way to beat your Muslim wife

Apparently, one sheikh here has some ideas on how to beat your wife. He is saying that beating is permitted by God and that there are 3 types of women that beating them depends on your survival: 1) the one who was brought up being beaten (she has fixated behaviour--"accustomed to beating". no way out. period. My favourite quote: "he will get along with her only if he practices beating". 2) the "condescending" one. 3) and the disobeying one.

Islamists seized control in Somalia. Sharia is back

Well, we are back to square one. deja vu........Remember this movie. the rise of the Islamic courts in Somalia a couple of years ago and their subsequent fall, and the take over of the Ethiopians and their follow Yusufists. Now, exit yusufism. enter Shabaabism.

A renowned Muslim scholor questions the existense of prophet Mohamed pbuh

Speaking of fanaticism/extremism, here is one for you to ponder: a German Muslim professor questions the existence of prophet Muhammad and, suddenly, all hell broke loose. They are predicting this to trigger bigger protests than the Danish cartoonists generated.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Yes, its the morning of November 16th, 2008. 2am. Sunday. i'm laughingoutloud because we have just completed an improbable journey--you go figure.....but really, lets have some real red meat.....why do we have fanatics, extremists, conservativs, liberals, etc. why attach lables upon each other. aren't we all the sons and daughters of mother nature. Aren't we all destined to be disposed and our bodies rotten. some of us off to Heaven others to the gates of Hell--if you believe such a thing....Why do women wear burka when men could walk freely with shorts. Aren't men good looking enough to lure women. I say enough is enough. its time for men to wear burka. its time to see each other as humanbeings with common purpose in this world--you know what i'm talking about

developing thoughts.......
wow....i'm now a blogger. what a step!......hopefully this works out